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Great news on PHP-Nuke development
PHP-NukeFrancisco Burzi writes: Hello Nukers! I'm glad to announce the new direction that PHP-Nuke will follow from now in the development, distribution and usability. As many of you already know, two years ago the folks at MandrakeSoft started to bring to PHP-Nuke a great help for the project, which finished one year ago. I learned lot of stuff thanks to that partnership, one of it's results was the PHP-Nuke Club inspired by Mandrake Club. But this was just a way to get something back to dedicate in full time to the development of this nice CMS. Now, after two years, the Club started to be a reunion point and not only a place to get the latest versions. So, as a first step, the Club will be powered with many new stuff for all subscribers...

Also, and the most important point is that many people, like you, contributes with fixes, suggestions and ideas for future versions. Some of those ideas are very nice. Listening to many people in that 2 years period I collected many of those suggestions and created a plan for the future. so, here we go...

1) As mentioned, PHP-Nuke Club will get new material and new features.
2) The code cleanup will be started and in this process there will be some modules that are under a big revision and even total replacement, for example:

  • Some modifications to the Your Account module
  • Reorganization or a complete replacement of the Downloads and Web Links modules
  • General prioritization of some parts of the code, like removing unused code/blocks/modules
  • Sections module will be removed and replaced all its content to be used with Content module.
  • Advertising system will be completely replaced with a totaly new feature rich system with lots of features to manage the advertising in a more efficient way.
  • Revision and improvement of the Search module.
  • Revision and possibly change to the look and feel of News module (the most used one). I have some candidates module to replace it that will give to your site a more professional look.
  • I assembled a team of people here in my city to work on a complete Forums, Members List and Private Messages modules to replace phpBB with PHP-Nuke's own forums.
  • Revision and reorganization of blocks capabilities, like display a block in particular modules and some few fixes.
  • New auto-installation system, like the one included in a previous version of PHP-Nuke and removed due to the SQL layer change.
  • Reorganization of the administration interface/menus.
  • Revision to the comments system and start putting to work the moderation system.
  • Some more website control by the administrator.
  • Some modules will be removed like WebMail. Improvement to the FeedBack module to include departments and/or contacts.
  • Revision of all languages and translation system including a heavy test of one new translation system that is under development at this time.
  • CSS Style system designed to possibly replace the themes system used at this time.

    3) A new and exclusive sponsor offer to be included in the downloadable code.
    4) A new version check from the administration section. This because is important that anyone that uses PHP-Nuke be updated with the latest version due to security fixes, etc. Optionaly the feature should be turned off by the administrator.
    5) It's under plans a Windows client to be used as interface of your portal/community that connects directly to your site to get/send content. and finaly, in the near future, forums and comments will be reactivated on which is something all us, including myself, are missing.

    I hope that all these changes will put PHP-Nuke one step forward to the commercial portals solutions, there will be surprises as well, but all this is with the intention to put PHP-Nuke in the next level and to start attacking a totaly new territory not available for the average webmasters out there. So, here will start a very hard work by my side and with few good local programmers already contracted to work on PHP-Nuke's future under my direction.

    I think that a preliminary version of this new monster will be out in something around 3 months. Obviously any Alpha, Beta and Release Candidates will be available on the Club as soon as they are ready.

    Also, as many of you know, PHP-Nuke is now developed under Windows. This was thanks to the recent mess with Linux and Linux companies. I found myself alone with no one Linux distro that works for me and my favorite one Mandrake, announced a bad financial situation, which is changing at this time. If they really recovers from the situation and bring Linux a "real" future, I'll switch again my OS for PHP-Nuke's development. Hope this can happen soon. Let's see. In the meantime let me send thanks to Gael Duval, a great guy, and all MandrakeSoft people... you are doing a good job! Keep up!!!

    Thanks for your attention and have a very nice day!
  • Posted on Friday, February 20 @ 11:38:00 CET by Zhen-Xjell
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    Most read story about PHP-Nuke:
    PHP-Nuke new development direction (part 2)

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    Re: Great news on PHP-Nuke development (Score: 1)
    by sixonetonoffun ( on Friday, February 20 @ 12:02:53 CET
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    New your account with admin configurable form fields would be nice if thats whats meant?

    Re: Great news on PHP-Nuke development (Score: 1)
    by sting on Friday, February 20 @ 19:42:49 CET
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    A 'bad financial situation' is a mild understatement.. I'm curious to see how successful the nuke club, based on the Mandrake club, will be.

    Re: Great news on PHP-Nuke development (Score: 1)
    by kjcdude on Saturday, February 21 @ 02:58:53 CET
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    I personally feel on FB's part this is a good start on what sounds like a great version.

    One thing that i am really against for a few reasons is the brand new forums.
    This is a HUGE HUGE task that FB has to do and i feel that it will be a miserable failure.
    The PHPbb forums that are already implemented work fantastically. The forums here at NukeCops are a great example of the forums well implementation into PHP-Nuke.

    Some things i would like to see would be Coppermine, Ms_Analysis, Contact Plus, a Guestbook of some sort, Calendar, New and improved blocks, and some other interesting features like Weather, Supporters, and other little nippets around the cms.

    Can't wait!

    Re: Great news on PHP-Nuke development (Score: 1)
    by kipuka on Saturday, February 21 @ 07:15:13 CET
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    If Nuke Cops is really an official developer like they claim, why aren't they part of the team, who will be paid, to rebuild portions of this script?

    Re: Great news on PHP-Nuke development (Score: 1)
    by inkydink1234 on Saturday, February 21 @ 12:57:29 CET
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    Sounds pre-PostNuke to me. That's exactly where FB was a couple years ago. Thing is, he has never shown himself to be a team player. And, bringing back forums. Hmmm. There's a novel idea. Hopefully he is over his temper tantrum now. I see absolutely no mention of security, as usual. There is mention of commercialism though. Trust me FB, your track record of a hacker's dream will preclude you from a commercial product. My suggestion to FB is that he stop all these add-ons and rewrites, etc., and FIRST shore up the foundation and security. Go through his code base and make it tight, security wise, first. Then, put that out for Alpha, Beta, RC. Quit being reactive, or letting others do it for you, and start being proactive. Another novel idea. And what is that crap about windoz vs. linux? Really, who cares what you develop under? Develop it under MAC, Solaris, scores of others - FIX IT FIRST!!!

    Re: Great news on PHP-Nuke development (Score: 1)
    by PoC2 on Saturday, February 21 @ 17:54:16 CET
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    I think getting rid of the phpBB forums IS A BAD MOVE! You will have to come up with a forum product that is better than phpBB and looking at the resources already poured in by the makers of phpBB I find that idea inlikely.

    The forums are key to my site - I make noplans to change them and will follow another PHPNuke derivative if need be to maintain them.

    Re: Great news on PHP-Nuke development (Score: 1)
    by kjcdude on Monday, February 23 @ 15:48:33 CET
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    I would like to see a Search system that actually searches the entire site instead of sertain modules. I know this is out of this world but it sounds much better. :)

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